The Library Card Chronicles

Confessions of a bookworm

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Quick update

What with the broken car, strep throat, pink eye and numerous other lovely things going on around here, I haven't had time or the inclination for doing much reading. It's times like this that unless the book is superb, it won't hold my attention and give me the satisfaction I want. After all, isn't that what reading is all about?
My reading list here is going a few weeks back and is very scant.

Scarecrow - Robin Hathaway
Despite the wholly unoriginal title, this book is great.

Full Blast - Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes
This one went back to the library unfinished (among others I am just tired of listing the failures but this one was too bad to pass up). I love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, but I haven't liked this collaboration much from the start. This one was just too cheesy and out there for me to go along with. I hope her Plum series doesn't start going downhill.

Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains - Susan Elderkin
Very interesting and different novel.

Sunshine and Shadow; Broken Dishes - Earlene Fowler
These two made it all worthwhile. Earlene Fowler and the Benni Harper series are my absolute favorites. If you are a lover of mystery, quilts, history and art you should definitely check this series out.

I won't go into details on these today as I am a bit feverish and might not be coherent.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I have read one!

I ordered The Dim Sum of All Things by Kim Wong Keltner through the library's ILL service. It was a really good chick lit read. Lindsey is an ABC (American Born Chinese) living in San Francisco and struggling to find herself (basic premise of most of these novels) while working as a receptionist at a vegan mag and wondering what to do with her degree. Her take on the single life was dead-on regardless of background and I found her take on "Hoarders of All Things Asian" hysterical. Greige is my new word. Living with her grandmother presents some dating challenges, not to mention sensory ones what with all the Tiger Balm and food aromas mingling. After a trip to China with her grandmother, things start to fall together for Lindsey and there is the usual happy ending.

Did a little redecorating

How sweet is blogger now? We have a bunch of new templates to chose from and comments! Yay! I'm grooving on the pink right now and hopefully I won't get tired of it soon since you still lose all of your mods when you change templates. I've added a blogroll over to the side with some literary linkies. I hope everyone enjoys the new look and I'm going to try to keep my posts less sporadic.