The Library Card Chronicles

Confessions of a bookworm

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Quick update

What with the broken car, strep throat, pink eye and numerous other lovely things going on around here, I haven't had time or the inclination for doing much reading. It's times like this that unless the book is superb, it won't hold my attention and give me the satisfaction I want. After all, isn't that what reading is all about?
My reading list here is going a few weeks back and is very scant.

Scarecrow - Robin Hathaway
Despite the wholly unoriginal title, this book is great.

Full Blast - Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes
This one went back to the library unfinished (among others I am just tired of listing the failures but this one was too bad to pass up). I love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, but I haven't liked this collaboration much from the start. This one was just too cheesy and out there for me to go along with. I hope her Plum series doesn't start going downhill.

Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains - Susan Elderkin
Very interesting and different novel.

Sunshine and Shadow; Broken Dishes - Earlene Fowler
These two made it all worthwhile. Earlene Fowler and the Benni Harper series are my absolute favorites. If you are a lover of mystery, quilts, history and art you should definitely check this series out.

I won't go into details on these today as I am a bit feverish and might not be coherent.


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