The Library Card Chronicles

Confessions of a bookworm

Saturday, April 17, 2004

i'm a slacker

I haven't been doing a whole lot of reading lately due to pursuing other pleasurable pastimes. Maybe I should just start listing the books with a rating system as lazy as I am! ha!

So 5 Minutes Ago - Hilary DeVries
This was not as good as it was hyped to be, or as good as I was anticipating it to be. It wasn't bad by any means, it was just a little too fake at times for me. But then, we are talking Hollywood here....

Scottish Girls About Town - 16 Scottish Women
Scottish Girls wasn't as bad as Irish Girls About Town, but neither was I very impressed with it.

Lucky Stars - Jane Heller
Overall, a cute, entertaining read.

And now.. the good stuff! Ta-da!

Blessed Are The Cheesemakers - Sarah-Kate Lynch
Do yourself a favor and RUN - don't walk- out and get this book! It is one of the best reads I've had in a while, yet not weighty or depressing. I wanted to hang out at Coolarney House and soak up the magic. Lynch's writing made me feel as if I were.

Something Rising (Light and Swift) - Haven Kimmel
This IS the best read I've had in a long while. It was more "wordy" than I normally like, but in Haven Kimmel's style it made the story. Pick this one up when you are out getting The Cheesemakers. You won't be disappointed.
I picked up The Solace of Leaving Early, Kimmel's second novel, yet couldn't really get into it. I am going to give it another try now. I'll also have to look for her first one, A Girl Named Zippy.

I had a whole pile of other books that were such crap that I won't even go into them.