The Library Card Chronicles

Confessions of a bookworm

Monday, July 26, 2004

No excuses this time

I'm just laaazzyy.

Judith Van Gieson - Land of Burning Heat and The Shadow of Venus
The more I read of Judith Van Gieson, the more I like her. I love books where you can be entertained and learn things at the same time. And this series of full of history, art and the character of humans.

The Second Assistant: A tale from the bottom of the Hollywood ladder. - Clare Naylor & Mimi Hare
This was another one of those lucky finds. I absolutely loved this book.

Flashpoint - Suzanne Brockmann
This was good reading. The situation was a little unbelievable, but was still a good story.

Bergdorf Blondes - Plum Sykes
I had read some bad press about this book so I was very interested in reading it. Usually the worse things I hear about something, the more I like it. At first, I thought that they were all right and it was not going to be that great, but after a few chapters it really got going and I loved it.

Pad Parties: The Guide to Ultra-Entertaining - Matt Maranian
I was looking for his first book, Pad: The Guide to Ultra-Living but this was all our library had. Fabu!

Pilates for Wimps - Jennifer DeLuca
My new favorite book. I've already check this out for the library like three times, and I've considered telling them I've lost it and just paying for it so I can keep it. I love Pilates and this is the best how-to book I've found so far.

I've been on an interior decorating book kick really bad lately. Here are a few of them I've read. All good, but the style is only to some people's liking. I like a mix of vintage, country and modern.
Country Chic - Country Living
Southern Accents on Color
Flea Market Finds: Before & After Home Decorating with Makeover Miracles (another one I want to "lose")


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